We’re finally proud to announce that our stunning showroom’s makeover is complete and ready to be enjoyed by your lovely selves!
Let us be the first to introduce you our sparkly new showroom, now more alive than ever before with a state of the art virtual tour available on Google Maps! Making our showroom more immersive than ever before to best let you see just how extraordinary a range of styles, materials and finishes we offer here at Plantation Shutters Ltd. Truly making ours one of the largest and most accessible shutter showrooms in all of London.
Our beautifully designed showroom allows you to be more comfortable than ever before as you browse our amazing options of interior window shutters that we offer and, as always, you’ll have an expert from our wonderfully helpful sales team to help you every step of the way.
As you step into our hub, our den, our home, you be greeted by a member of our team, a cup of something warm and some of the most expert interior shutter knowledge in the industry at the ready to help you with any questions you have as you decide exactly what is right for you and your home.
With ample parking space outside our showroom you won’t have to spend a penny on meaning you can stay with us for as long as you like, meaning you’ll be able to run through every possible question you could have for us.

We’re not ones to hide away from the fact that we run a very smooth operation here. Made up of elite squads of fitters, measurers and a sales team more helpful than anyone to help you through the many steps that will lead to an especially individual set of stunning interior window shutters for wherever you need them. Whether that be at home, in your offices, for your restaurant of even a houseboat (yes, we have some great porthole window designs).
So please feel free to pop in and see it for yourself with no need for an appointment, just your happy self. We understand that every home is different, so we wanted to highlight the many ways to decorate your windows which is why we have every shape and style of shutters that we offer in our range on display and ready for you to experience at your pleasure.
Or have a peek around from the comfort of your own home with the help of our state of the art virtual tour easily found at our home of Gartons Way in Battersea over on Google Maps.
Whether you’re new to visit our digs or just looking to triple check your own order, please feel free to drop by and get a real feel for the product. We’ll always be more than happy to help to let you have a curious wander around. It’s what the space is for! Come and explore our new and very special patch and let us know what you think. Gives us a call today and we can talk you through all of these choices you can make when ordering your made to measure interior window shutters. We have such a wide range of styles, materials and colours to choose from so that you can really put your own stamp on your home’s latest addition.
Call us on 020 8871 9222 or email our friendly team today with any queries you may have. Our shutters are still the best choice for your home, get in touch today.